Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Sampson

Mrs Walker

Welcome to Year 4

Mrs Walker and Mrs Scott

Welcome to our class page.

Take a look at this page to find out what we will be learning about this term.  You will find lots of links and information that you can use to help you with some of the homework tasks, and links to websites where some tasks will be set.  I will keep the page updated with tasks, events and news throughout the term, so please check it regularly.

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the term, please contact me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Our Learning Challenge this half term is:
How did Britain change between the end of the Iorn Age and the end of The Roman Age?
Our Learning Challenge will be broken up into weekly learning questions:
1. What did the Romans find when they first arrived in Britain?
2. What evidence is there that the Romans came to Britain at all?
3. What do we mean by 'Romanisation' of Britain?
4. What did the Romans do to improve Britain?
5. Why did the Romans leave Britan?
Below is the Knowledge Organiser for the topic:
Roman Knowledge oragniser.JPG
English Summer.jpg
This will then link to our English, our text is:
english text.JPG
Our focus is to write a recipe for amagic tea.
The children will selecting their own ongredients for their tea.
They will be writing:
A title
A persuasive opening
Bullet points for ingredients
A method using imperative vebs
A closing staement, 
We will also be focusing on our Whole Class Reading texts to link with various fiction, non fiction and poetry texts.
Maths Autumn.jpg This half term we will be focusing on Addition and Subtraction. We will be using a number of strategies to help us to add and subtract up to 4 digit numbers.
I have attached the link to BBC Bitesize to help with column addition and subtraction at home.
Multiplication-and-division.png In Year 4, the children will have a multiplication check in the summer term - there is some parent information further down in the file section on this page.
Please continue to practice Time Tables at home on a regular basis. The children have access to TTRockstars which we use dueing some sessions in school, login details are in their homework books.
Here are some of our favourite class songs:
Science Autumn.jpg The Digestive System - What happens to the food that we eat?
This half term we are looking closely at Electricity.
Our Learning Challenge Questions are:
1. What are the parts of the digestive system called?
2. What is the function of each organ in the digestive system?
3. What are the names and functions of different types of teeth in humans?
4. What are food chains and how do we identify producers, preditors and prey?
Our Knowledge Organiser is below:
Science organiser.JPG
Homework Autumn.jpg
We have changed our homework this year and have decided to send homework books home.
The activities will be based on Multiplications, spellings and some topic maths.
Homework will be sent home on Mondays and returned to school on Fridays.
Reading - please read three times per week with your child and write a comment in their book to show they have read at home.
Books will be changed every Friday.

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Year 4: News items

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Year 4: Gallery items

Year 4 Roman Workshop, by Mrs Walker

Year 4: Calendar items

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