Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Sampson

Welcome to Year 1 - Mrs Sampson, Mrs Cope and Miss Hughes

Any questions or queries please don't hesitate to email us:

General Information: 

The school day

Timings:                                            Drop off/Pick up point:

Year 1 start time: 8:40am                Drop off: Gates adjacent to the Year 1 classroom 

Year 1 finish time 3:10pm                Pick up: We will meet you on the playground and send children one by one to parents as we see them arrive.

What will my child need to bring to school?

Full school uniform - All items labelled

A warm coat (labelled)

A water bottle (water only)

A small healthy snack

A lunch bag (if needed)

Please ensure all personal items are labelled before sending them into school.

Dates to remember...

Friday 14th February   -  finish for half term holiday

Monday 24th February - back to school



In addition to regular home reading, your child will receive a spelling book each week. We may send out extra learning challenges throughout the term!

Reading is crucial and the most important way in which you can support your child at home. We urge you to make it a priority. Once we know a group of sounds, we must get speedy reading words containing them!

Spellings are checked every Monday and new ones are sent home on a Tuesday along with reading books.

Numbots is a great tool to support maths – please let us know if you require your child’s log in again!



Year 1 will have PE on a Wednesday and Friday every week. Please send your child into school in FULL PE kit on these days every week.

PE will take place outside where ever possible so it is recommended that your child is wearing a warm jumper/hoodie and jogging bottoms/leggings during colder weather. Children will remain in their PE kit for the day so there is no need to send in uniform as they will not be getting changed for PE.

Our Year 1 Curriculum

Read Write Inc

Read Write Inc is the program we have chosen as a school to teach children the sounds needed to read. There are 44+ sounds that children need to know so they can sound out/Fred talk any unknown words. As children build their knowledge of these sounds, they will in turn develop their fluency. This means children will be able to read words, with the sounds they know, at a glance. It is vital children can read fluently in order to understand what they have read.

See below for a list of all the sounds children need to learn in Year 1 and a video on how to correctly pronounce them.




Phonics Screening Check

 Children will take part in the Phonics Screening Check in June 2025.

Please see the video above for all the sounds Year 1 children need to know and how to pronounce them.

There are also some helpful downloads below that you might want to take a look at. 

The sound games grid gives you some ideas of different ways to practice the sounds at home with your child in a fun and interactive way. Lots of these games can also be adapted in order to use the word cards in the download section.


For further fun activities and games please follow the links:



Our first class text is, The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis. We will be writing a non chronological report about the Bog Baby. We want to share information about the Bog Baby to try and find him! Children will develop their ability to use capital letters, exclamation marks, new vocabulary and spell words with sounds unknown to them.


Books we will be reading during story time this half term are shown below. Children will vote for which book they'd like to read that week.




In Maths we will continue to learn number facts for numbers up to 10. We will also dive into addition and subtraction.

Practice counting to 100 at home using the video below:

Numberblocks on bbc iplayer supports the Maths learning we will be doing in school:


Learning Challenge


What do I know about the UK and where I live?

We will be learning about the different parts of the UK and learning more about our local area. 


What are the different parts of plants called and which birds do you know?

We will be learning all about the different parts of a plant and will even grow our own! 


Colour mixing

We will be exploring colour mixing through paint play, using a range of tools to paint on different surfaces and creating paintings inspired by Clarice Cliff and Jasper Johns.


Friendship: how to be a good friend, stories of friendship within religion.

Design & Technology

We will be learning about preparing foods by cutting and juicing. We will also be selecting fruits and vegetables to create a smoothie!


Files to Download

Year 1: News items

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Year 1: Blog items

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Year 1: Gallery items

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Year 1: Calendar items

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