Year 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Thomas
Welcome to Year 3
and to our new class webpage!
Please see the below information regarding this half term and what exciting things Year 3 will be learning! If you need to contact me for any reason, please do so on our class email:
Year 3 have created a playlist of their favourite songs. You can listen to them here:
Our Current Learning:
Our current English text is: | Our first Whole Class Reading text is: | Our current Science Learning Challenge: |
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Our current History Learning Challenge: | Our current Maths topic: |
Our PE days: |
Why does Crewe exist in the first place?
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Thursday and Friday |
Our PE days are on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that children come to school in their full, and correct, PE kit on these days.
At the bottom of this page, in the files section, you will find letters that have been sent home regarding reading books, homework projects and bingo books.
In Year 3, children are expected to read at home at least three times per week, for at least ten minutes each time. Each read should be recorded in children's individual reading records. These will be collected each week and checked. Children will also change their reading books on this day. They can swap their bingo book once they have finished it. They do not need to wait for it to be Monday to do this.
Children will bring a paper copy of spellings to learn each Monday. They can also practice the same spellings online using Spelling Shed. These follow on from their weekly spelling lesson.
Each week, tasks will be set online on Mymaths, Spelling Shed and Maths Shed. Children are also encouraged to practice their times tables on Times Table Rock Stars and their recall of number facts using Numbots. They have individual log ins for each of these websites which can be found on the back page of their homework books. Links for these websites can be found here:
Each half term, children will bring home a homework grid with tasks linked to their current English text. Children should aim to complete a number of tasks over the half term (about 1 per week) and enter it into their homework books. At the end of the half term they will bring their books into school to share as part of a class exhibition. This half terms grid can be found in the files. The links below will help with some of the homework tasks.
Poems | French |
PE | Reading - for those children reading Read, Write Inc books |