Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Moss

Welcome to Vine Tree Reception!

We are very excited to welcome you to our school!


Meet the team...

   Class teacher  -   Mrs G. Moss

   HLTA             -   Mrs H. Taylor

   1:1 Support    -    Mrs S. Begum

   Volunteers     -    Miss R. Millington


Curriculum Overviews

Please see the half termly overviews at the bottom this page to see what the children will be learning throughout the school year.


Strong Foundations in the first years of school

At Vine Tree Primary School we believe ...

'Early education must equip all children, without fail, with the knowledge and skills they need to make progress in Reception, through key stage 1 and beyond.

By the end of key stage 1, all children need foundational knowledge: how to communicate, read, write and calculate. This includes the general knowledge that will help them to understand the world around them. Their physical, emotional and social development are also important. Finally, developing executive function is crucial for both learning and well-being. This means they need to be able to:

  • focus their attention on what matters and screen out what is not relevant
  • hold information in their minds in order to work on it
  • focus on a goal and work out when it is necessary to change their approach to achieve it.'  [footnote 15]

                                                           Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted), 'Strong Foundations in the First Years of School' (2024)


 Reading in Reception.

At Vine Tree we aim for all our children to become fluent, confident readers who are passionate about reading.

We can achieve this together through:

  • Read Write Inc, a program to help to your child read at school
  • Encouraging children to develop a love of books by reading to them daily, at home and at school
  • Giving children access to a wide range of books at school and at home

Children who read regularly or are read to regularly have the opportunity to open the doors to so many different worlds! More importantly, reading will give your child the tools to become independent, life-long learners.

The children will be learning their phonics through Read, Write Inc. (RWI)

This is a phonics programmed that ensures early success in reading, writing and spelling. 

It takes a lot of practice to remember how to write all the letters of the alphabet with the correct letter formation.

Please help your child read and write their letters using the phonics letter prompt sheet that will be sent home.




Below is a way for your child to practise their read write inc sounds set 1.


When your child is confident reading all set 1 sounds then they are ready to practise the special friends on the sway below.



NEW WORD GRIDS - Click on  each grid  and click your way through the pile of cards. Please only work on the grids that your child has in their orange grid book.


Try to read with your child at least 3 times a week. Please find a quiet time to share your child's reading books and record what you have read in your child's homework diary. The phonics blending books and red reading books should be re-read each time you read together . This will build your child's confidence and fluency. Some children will also bring home a printed sheet which is just a little extra practise to help your child begin to read in simple sentences.

Books will continue to be changed on Mondays and please return all three books each week. Grids will also be tested and updated every Monday afternoon.



Bingo books

  • I hope your child is enjoying reading the bingo books with an adult. They should have read quite a lot of them by now. Keep reading.




Letter formation sheets will be sent home weekly.

Word grids for tricky words and decodeable words will be sent home once the children reach the appropriate stage in their phonics learning.



Mondays - Please send in the red book bag containing reading books and word grids. These will be returned at the end of the day.

       Mondays and Tuesdays - Please come to school in PE Kit.

Water bottles are to be brought into school daily.

Please send your child/ren into school with ONE healthy snack.

Grapes and berries should be cut in half.

Lolly pops, crisps and sweets are not permitted as a snack.

Book bags and water bottles will be outside at the end of each day for you to collect.

Please ensure that all your childs clothes and belongings are named.


We look forward to working with you to ensure that your child's first year of school is happy, engaging and succesful. 

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns or questions. I am available at the end of the day (Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri) or a message can be left with the Office.











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